It's no secret, The Train To Crazy is the catchiest, weirdest blog name you've seen lately. Am I right? I named it on a whim 6 years ago when I thought the only people who would be reading it would be my mom and dad. (hi Dad). Well, things change and it morphed and grew out of the little family blog it was into something totally different and great. Over time I've cringed at the name more than a few times but let me tell you something you already know. It is really hard to get off the train to crazy. Am I right?
So the name has stuck. Partially because I could never find a better name and partially because I was afraid you'd all leave me because you would be like, "who's this?". Or something similar. So, it has stuck. I've actually purchased 3 different domain names planning to change but never could.
I asked on facebook what you thought about changing the name and the response was a bit lopsided. I honestly didn't expect that. I figured there'd be more level headed people in there telling me it just isn't good marketing to call yourself anything related to trains or crazy. But, most of the responses said to keep it and not just keep it but they used exclamation marks. We all know that those aren't tossed around lightly.
So I'm keeping it. For now. Until I find a better name. Or until I grow old and gray. (that's a trick because I'm already going gray and definitely growing older). At any rate, don't expect to type in and find a redirect to something snazzier or more descriptive of the actual content anytime too soon.
You may, however, notice a few changes around there soon. I'm leaving typepad. Not because I don't love typepad (I do) but because I just need something a little more than typepad can give me easily. So I'll be migrating to wordpress shortly. I'll still be me and you'll still be you but this site will just look a little different. Hopefully better and easier to navigate. We'll see.
There is just one other change happening. I've changed a bit to help organize my online life. It's a good landing spot for anyone interested in me and my companies and what not. It's not complete, you'll probably notice that. I'm working on different parts of it still but I'm stuck on my about page. I'll get through it but go take a look anyway and let me know what you think!
If you don't already follow me on instagram (or maybe if you do) I changed my instagram name from thetraintocrazy to andreapannell. If you don't follow me now you're really missing out on gems like this:
Have a wonderful day.